Frank came to work for the agency 3 or 4 years ago. I don't recall exactly. As a new web administrator for the agency, he automatically became a member of our web team and was encouraged to attend SXSWi like many of us. We got acquainted while waiting for panels and started hanging out together picking panels and going to lunch with some of our coworkers and friends outside the agency who were also attending the conference.
Frank is a great programmer. But he is also an artist. And a flyfisherman/fly-tyer, and a cattle rancher, and a grandpa, and he likes to read, a lot. His wife's name is Frankie, (Frank & Frankie) which I think is the cutest thing in the world. Frank was always a little curious about my knitting habit which I exercized through many a web team meeting. He was especially curious about my sock-knitting as that was my preferred meeting project. I tried to explain to him the joys of wearing hand knit socks. One day I presented him with a pair of his own. I guessed on the sizing, since it was a surprise, I didn't exactly want to measure his foot, but I think I got pretty darn close. It seemed like every time I saw him, he had those wool socks on. Not a little surprising since we are after all in Texas and I think I gave them to him in a warm part of the year, but I was the one who told him wool breathes and that I wore nothing but wool or at least hand knit socks.
So, Frank kept asking me questions about knitting, how do you do this? or how do you know when to do that and how do you pick a yarn or a needle. Well, as you may have suspected, Frank was on that slippery slope to becoming a knitter. I think I've told people that I taught him, but honestly I don't remember teaching him to knit so much as handing him my Stitch N Bitch book, answering his questions and showing him a couple of things and, oh, maybe introducing him to the owner of a yarn shop. He's made himself quite at home at The Knitting Nest, even if I don't go with him.
Well, now I'm so proud of him that I want you all to know about him and take notice. He has done a hat, several scarves, for himself and as gifts. He wanted a felted sleeve for his fabulous new Netbook, so he figured his own pattern, and when the first one shrunk too much, he recalculated and knit and felted another one which was perfect! Go look at the thing! Then he came down to my office the other morning to show me his new mitts. He found a pattern on Ravelry and made the pair in just 2 nights of knitting. Y'all, this man is a Knitter. And he is fearless. He is this far away from knitting his own socks. And besides all that, he's a really nice guy.
You can find Frank in several places online, check him out at his blog:
Artistic License (and you can get his pattern for an Asus sleeve)
Also on Flickr
and Ravelry
and of course, Twitter.
His daughter Marguerite (Rete) is also a knitblogger and quilter and I met her when the Yarn Harlot came to town.
Be sure and say hello to him sometime, I'm sure you'll run into him somewhere.
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